All Kadence Themes have the same initial setup and install. To view these steps, head over here. Then when complete head back here for your theme specific tutorials.
Transparent Logo & Navigation Settings
Category & Tag Archives
You can create a custom description for both your Category and Tag archives. The theme allows HTML in the description spot.
Step #1: Go to Posts > Click on Categories or Tags > Then click Edit on the archive you want to add a description to.
Step #2: In the Description box, add your description. If you would like to add links, it will need to be with HTML. The Span below will default to your header font and the links to your Primary Navigation font. Copy/paste as many of these as you like.
Title: You may also love….
<span>You may also love...</span>
The Link code: Notice the · at the end. Remove for your last item, or change to something different for a spacer.
<a href="YOUR LINK GOES HERE"> Dessert </a> ·
Full Demo Code:
<span>You may also love...</span> <a href="YOUR LINK HERE"> Dessert </a> · <a href="YOUR LINK HERE"> Dinner </a> · <a href="YOUR LINK HERE"> Drinks </a>
Advanced Styling Options
Site Credit
Many of you are signed up as an affiliate for the theme shop. We have included a Site Credit template to help with this. You can link this page in your footer, then change the button, and other links to your affiliate link.
If you are not already signed up as an affiliate and would like to be, you can do so here. We can also create a unique coupon code with your name, or blog name.