Below are some of the common issues that can happen when setting up a new theme.
Common Error Messages
The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
If you are getting this error message, see below for the fix, based on where you purchased your theme.
1. Site or Etsy Purchase – Your computer most likely extracted the file and you are trying to upload a regular file. If you right click on the theme file, there should be an option to compress the folder back into a zip format. Once you have done that, then you can upload the zip file to the website.
2. Creative Market Purchase – When you download your file from CreativeMarket it is a main zip file that needs to be extracted to your desktop or other preferred place on your computer. Inside of that main zip file is 3 things, your, demo content and instructions on how to access the support site. The theme zip file is the file you would load to the site, not the main zip file you downloaded.
Parent Theme is missing
All of our themes are Genesis child themes, which means you need to have the
Genesis Framework installed in order for them to work. You can purchase the framework
Import Issues
Can’t import Demo Content
Failed to Import…
If you get a failed to import message, carefully read what it is. Most often it is because you did not have the plugin installed that the import content would be assigned to. Say you are not using Woocommerce, then none of the shop content will import. Same for Easyrecipe, or the Portfolio plugin, those items would not import.
Images not importing…
If the images will not import, do not re-do the import in hopes to get the demo images. Most often they are not importing because your hosting server is timing out and canceling the import on the image. If this happens and you try to re-do the import you will duplicate everything and have lots of extra stuff to delete that you don’t want on the site. If there are specific images you were hoping to have to use with your new theme,
contact me and I can email the images to you.